Tracked Shipping
The consumer will be alerted through email or text message whether their order has been sent.
Every order comes with a tracking number. Your tracking number and links will be included in your order dispatch email. If you want them shipped with insurance or via other carriers, please email us before purchase. We will supply you with a quotation.
We are unable to cancel an order that has already been dispatched.
Third-party couriers are used to delivering orders. If you purchase from us, you acknowledge that there is a possibility that your shipment will be misplaced. Refunds are only available for orders that have proof of non-delivery.
We use third-party tracking services to track orders, and if the website states your purchase was delivered, we trust it. We will only give a refund if the state, city, or zip code on your tracking number does not match the information on your mailing label. Without a single exception.